Libraries Volunteer with us
Ways in which you can help
Home library service
You will help to choose and deliver books and other library materials to people who are unable to visit and use the library independently, whether through age, disability, illness or care commitments. Find out more from the job description.
Computer support
Can you use computers confidently? Consider sharing your skills with other people by providing them with one to one help and support. Find out more from the job description.
Local history
Our local history centres welcome volunteers who may help to organise the collections, carry out research on behalf of our customers and provide advice on researching family and local history. Find out more from the job description.
Work with children and young people
It’s great fun to get involved in library storytime and rhymetime sessions and other creative activities! Find out more from the job description.
Volunteering for young people 14 to 18 years old
Find out what happens behind the scenes in the library! Think about volunteering for a short period of time or for a specific project like the Summer Reading Challenge, the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme or as part of your school or college course. Find out more from the job description.
Library friends
Friends groups are independent groups that support their local library by organising a range of activities and events, carrying out specific work in the library and by acting as library advocates in their communities. Contact your local library for more information.
Books aloud
If you love relaxing and listen to a good story read aloud, you could consider helping or starting Books Aloud sessions for adults to help others to do the same. Find out more from the job description.
An application form for all of the above is attached to this page.
If you would like to explore how best to support your local library please contact them.