I need help

In Shropshire we aim to address your queries quickly and effectively, while working around your needs. We're able to do this in a number of ways, such as having a conversation with you over the phone, signposting you to a number of organisations in your local community, booking you into a Let’s Talk Local information session and if needed, arranging for you to have a visit in your home to discuss your situation further. ‘Let’s Talk Local’ information sessions are available in the market towns across Shropshire, where you'll be able to speak to someone face to face.

To speak to our First Point of Contact (FPOC) team or to arrange an appointment at a ‘Let’s Talk Local’ session, contact us on 0345 678 9044.

For emergency calls our out of hours service can be reached on 0345 678 9040.

If your needs change

If, following an assessment of your needs, you go on to have services in place, it's important to keep us informed of any changes. Such changes can include an improvement in your circumstances, having more support from family and friends and telling us if the services in place aren't supporting you in a beneficial way.

If you wish to arrange a reassessment of your needs, you should contact us on 0345 678 9044 to arrange an appointment in a Let's Talk Local hub or, if necessary, we can visit you in your home. You may also wish to consider the use of assistive technology at the point of a reassessment.

Reviewing how it worked

We have a duty to carry out a reassessment for those people with a personal budget, and will look at these key questions:

  • What is working well for you?
  • Is the support you receive enabling you to regain skills for independent living?
  • Have your needs changed and do you still have eligible needs?
  • Are you able to do something differently in order to achieve more?
  • Could some of your needs be met using existing community resources?
  • Have the outcomes that were agreed in your support plan been achieved, and if not what timescales are we looking at?
  • Does your support plan need to change?
  • Does your personal budget need to be amended?

What do I do if I or someone I know is experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect?

If you have any worries like this, it's important that you speak to someone you trust who will talk through your concerns and agree the best way forward with you. If you need to tell us, please ring 0345 678 9021.

If you need urgent help from us outside office hours, please phone the Emergency Social Work Duty Team on 0345 678 9040. The social workers working in this area deal with emergencies only.

If you need to report a crime please ring 101. If you're in immediate danger, please contact the police on 999.