Adult safeguarding in Shropshire

Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Living a life free from harm and abuse is everyone’s human right. We all need to act as good neighbours and citizens to look out and care for one another. We all have a role to help one another to stay safe and free from abuse.

Please do your best to prevent abuse from affecting others. Simply checking on neighbours can make a huge difference to someone's life. If you find someone being abused and the person, with your support, can't manage to stop it, please speak to a professional like a police officer, the person’s doctor or someone supporting the adult affected.

What is abuse?

Abuse can take many forms under the following headings:

  • Physical abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Psychological abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Discriminatory abuse
  • Neglect and self-neglect
  • Domestic abuse
  • Modern slavery
  • Organisational abuse

Abuse can happen to anyone at any age. Adults with care and support needs are particularly at risk of abuse.

Adult with care and support needs include:

  • Older people needing help from others
  • People with learning disability
  • People living with physical disabilities
  • Adults with mental health needs
  • People who misuse alcohol or drugs

Abuse can happen in many different settings, including:

  • Someone’s own home
  • A care home
  • A hospital
  • A day centre
  • A public place

Abuse is carried out by many different people, but it's usually someone who is known and trusted. It might be:

  • A family member, a partner or a neighbour
  • A care worker, volunteer or a friend

Keeping Adults Safe in Shropshire Board

Many agencies in Shropshire are working together in a partnership called the Keeping Adults Safe in Shropshire Board, to prevent abuse and respond quickly when we think someone may be continuing to be at risk of abuse or neglect. The three agencies which must be members of the board are the council, the police and the clinical commissioning group in our area. Take a look at their website for the latest strategic plan, and to find out more about their work.