Self-help tips and advice

Making the most of a person’s residual vision

There may be quite a lot someone can do to make the most of the sight they have. Remember this simple strategy: bigger, brighter, bolder.


There are many simple ways to make things bigger and easier to see. For example:

  • Use thick black felt pens to write notes
  • Clocks and watches with large numbers
  • Big button telephone
  • Large-print calendars
  • Sitting closer to the TV will make the picture seem bigger. This will not damage your eyes


We all need light to see but it's important that the light shines on what you're trying to look at, NOT in your face.

An adjustable work light may be easier to use if you're trying to read. The lamp may be positioned so that it shines directly at the page and not into the eyes. 

Avoid bare and/or exposed lamp bulbs as these can create glare that maybe uncomfortable and reduce the amount of useful vision a person has.

People differ as to the amount of light they're comfortable with, but in general many people find it beneficial to wear a hat with a brim or peak that shades the eyes when outdoors.

You can also obtain ‘wrap around’ shields for the eyes that don't eliminate too much light but do reduce the glare. These are often known as UV shields. Look for the type that have sides, as they offer more protection than just ordinary glasses.


This is about making things contrast or stand out more from their background. For example, using:

  • Thick black pen on white or yellow paper
  • Plain white cups for dark coloured drinks
  • Think about different plain colours for your plates and dishes; serve white foods on a dark plate and vice versa
  • Use contrasting place mats so that the plate edge stands out from the table/tray
  • Kitchen equipment that stands out against the work surfaces
  • Different colour door handles or grab rails
  • Contrasting line on the edge of steps
  • Coloured strips around light or plug switches