Lisa Middleton

In my free time I enjoy getting outside and exploring the beautiful Shropshire countryside with my partner, Luke, and our golden retriever, Ruby, who I also train regularly with in dog agility.

I work for Shropshire Council in Adult Social Care as the Manager of the Place and Personalisation team.

I have a background in public health nutrition and feel passionately about creating conditions within communities for people to thrive within. This includes recognition for a wide plethora of determinates which influence health and wellbeing, but also the need to ensure that we have robust systems in place which enable people to navigate towards support and guidance quickly, easily and effectively when they need it.

As a member of the Making it Real board, I’m interested in how we draw on the collective skills, expertise and experiences of our broad membership in order to shine a light on the issues that matter the most, and collectively address areas for improvement.

Lisa Jones