Abilia case study
'J' received the device and staff were unsure as to whether it would work, but were very keen to give it a go, to help J become more independent with some of her tasks. Staff received the training and then started to load pictures and events on to the Abilia device. Some of the pictures are of J’s personal items so she will recognise them.
J was very good from the start with the Abilia device and acts on the alerts and prompts, sometimes needing support to do this. J now recognises images and tasks on the Abilia device and tells the staff what the prompt is saying. For instance, for a picture of tablets she says “tablets go on then” so she knows it’s time to take her medication.
Staff have also added various activities onto the Abilia device such as puzzles and having her nails polished. The device has been a very positive experience for J, and as time goes on more and more activities are being added. Staff have said they've seen a big difference in J, and she looks very proud of herself when the Abilia device alerts her of tasks, which she can then complete.