Community projects

Hi, I’m Paul Newman. I’m the founder of 'Be a Better Fish', a social enterprise based in Oswestry. We help new businesses and community ventures get started; and then help them to grow sustainably. I’m also project lead on an exciting new community project at Babbinswood Farm near Oswestry.

Together with the Jones family who own and manage the farm, we're building a diverse range of experiences and activities to share the family’s land, skills and environmental values for the benefit of the planet and the local community.

One of our first priorities is the creation of a new community garden at Babbinswood Farm - The Harmony Garden, a project specifically designed to enable participation of local adults with learning disabilities, a place to contribute, feel valued, and a place to achieve something new and exciting. A place to grow…

Step 1

A garden full of creative ideas and interactive displays, accessible for all.

Step 2

Working together to build the garden, with the help of local groups and organisations.

Step 3

Sharing the story – taking pride in the achievement, and celebrating all who contributed.

Thanks to the support of Shropshire Council, our project will run through to June 2021. We’ll be inviting individuals and existing day-care groups and services to participate in the build. We hope to provide exciting, interesting and rewarding activities for all who take part in the project, and leave a legacy of an amazing and valuable community garden as a bonus. Oh, and we’ll have lots of fun too! Think of it as Countryfile meets Garden Force meets DIY SOS

Would you like to join us? If so, please drop us a line at

Thank you

The Harmony Garden Project

Information on the Harmony Garden Project at Babbinswood Farm near Oswestry.

Workshop activities

Crafting activities by service users at Avalon.

Nature therapy

How our service users benefit from the great outdoors and proximity to nature.

Contact Avalon

Victoria Road, Oswestry. SY11 2JE

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