Dealing with employment issues

We encourage direct payment employers to choose an employer insurance policy that includes an employment/legal helpline that provides 24/7 help.

Worried about employment and the law?

Your insurer should be able to offer practical, jargon-free advice. This could relate to sick pay, maternity leave or a performance issue. If you're not sure whether your policy includes an employment/legal helpline please contact your insurer.

If your policy doesn't include a helpline, there's support available from ACAS on 0300 123 1100. The helpline is open from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Skills for Care - toolkits and resources

Often, people don't want to think about things going wrong, but sometimes they do, and it's good to have a plan for how to deal with problems. The Skills For Care website explains how you can sort out some of the problems that you might come across. 

Skills for Care have also produced a guide for individual employers and personal assistants – a way of agreeing how we'll work together.