
You'll need to consider the training your PA may require. There are a number of opportunities for you as an employer to access training:

Free training


Training, events and tailored support to help you deal with workplace problems and keep up to date with best practice.

Training via insurance

You can find training provided by your direct payment employment insurer. If you use Mark Bates insurance, they do online training and webinars via ILG which is included in their policy.

If you use FISH insurance, they too offer some training via Aquarium, this may be included in your policy.

Other insurance providers may also offer training.

Skills for Care

They offer a lot of support and advice including training via webinars and on line events, please see webinar and event recordings. As well as events and and a newsletter.

Open University

Free learning from the Open University.

Peer support

Learning and support from other employers as well as updates, can be found by joining peer support networks.

Again some insurance providers offer this, such as Mark Bates via ILG.

A national organisation that some employers in Shropshire have used is Good Boss.

Funding for training

Skills for Care - Individual employer funding

You can apply for funding to train you and your personal assistants (PAs). Find out more from the Skills for Care website, or speak to you social work team for more information.