Things to consider with a direct payment

General things to consider

To receive a direct payment:

  • You must have a separate direct payment bank account (unless it's for a one-off payment)
  • Keep records. Take a look at our 'Money matters' section for more information
  • You'll be financially assessed, and if you're required to contribute this will need to be paid into your direct payment account regularly to ensure that you have enough money to pay for the support you receive 
  • Direct Payments give people the choice to supplement their personal budget to purchase support from a more expensive provider i.e. agency, personal assistant, day centre. This means meeting the cost difference from your own money. The difference would need to be added to the direct payment account to ensure adequate funds are available
  • You can also choose to have extra services in addition to the support in place to meet your assessed eligible needs such as mileage, extra hours, and travel costs. We recommend you arrange this separately from your direct payment arrangement and pay any additional invoices directly from your personal bank account
  • If you choose to purchase additional support or pay a higher rate and your financial circumstances change, meaning you are no longer able to afford it, Shropshire Council are not responsible for meeting the additional costs and alternative options would need to be explored. It is important to make sure any arrangement you make is sustainable
A Hand With Coins
Getting Started

Things to consider if you employ a personal assistant (PA)

If you use a direct payment to purchase support from a personal assistant, you'll be taking on the responsibilities of an employer. Being an employer can seem daunting, but our 'Employing a personal assistant' page will help, and we strongly advise that you use the support of a payroll service.

Things to consider if you use the service of a self-employed PA

If you use the services of a self-employed PA you're not an employer. The PA is responsible for their own insurance and tax, and they're not eligible for paid leave, holidays, or other statutory pay.

Find out more about the differences between employed and self-employed PAs from the Skills For Care website. 

Money Matters
Pound Sign

Things to consider if you use your direct payment to buy support from care agencies, day services or other activities

If you choose to buy support from a care agency or day service provider, the maximum standard rate is £24.69 an hour for care agencies, if higher you will need to discuss with your social care worker. 

To find an agency you can use the Care Choices Shropshire E-book.

If agency carers support you with personal care (helping you to wash, dress etc) they'll need to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You can find that out from the CQC website.

Things to consider when using your direct payment for other support

If you use your direct payment creatively, for example to buy equipment, classes or other options (as agreed in your support plan) you'll need to keep copies of invoices/receipts.