Links to useful information
Shropshire and Telford Hospital NHS Trust – Ophthalmology: for all enquiries regarding your NHS appointments.
Local organisations
Community Resource (formerly known as Shropshire RCC): support, advice and training for local communities
Enable: employment service providing support and advice for people with disabilities and to employers looking to recruit people with disabilities.
RNIB Eye Clinic Liaison Officers: usually located within the Ophthalmology Department at your local NHS Trust Hospital. They offer practical and emotional support to people living with sight loss and their families and carers.
Shropshire Council adult social care services: advice on a wide variety of health and social care support, signposting residents to services from the local authority, NHS partners and voluntary and community groups.
Sight Loss Shropshire: a range of services to improve the quality of life for visually impaired people living in Shropshire.
Sensory Inclusion Service: supports children and young people with hearing and/or visual impairment, or a multi-sensory impairment and their families, from birth to 25 (if they are still in further education).
Talking Newspapers: free weekly newspapers in various audio formats for people who cannot read printed papers:
National organisations
Access to Work: support in work if you have a disability.
Age UK: provides services and vital support to people in later life, delivering a range of services across the UK, including: money and legal, health and wellbeing, care and support, work and learning, travel and hobbies.
RNIB: providing information and advice on eye health, sight loss and wellbeing, equality rights and employment, money, benefits and finance, families and carers, reading, home and leisure.
Blind Veterans UK: helping ex-service men and women to rebuild their loves after sight loss by supporting blind veterans, of every generation, to lead independent and fulfilling lives.
Guide Dogs: support, with or without dogs, for people who are blind and partially sighted and for family members. Information and advice on life skills, family support, education support, technology, assistance dogs, dog care and welfare and sighted guiding.
Macular Society: information and support to help people living with macular conditions overcome their worries and retain their independence.
RNIB Talking Books: a free service with access to over 32,000 fiction and non-fiction books.
Care choices: for help with making the right choices to remain independent and stay well.