What will an occupational therapist do?

The occupational therapist or assistant, will carry out an initial assessment, which may be in person at your home, or over the phone. The assessment will consider those activities that you, or the person you care for, wants to do, needs to do, or is expected to do, and identify strengths and challenges.

Following an assessment the occupational therapist, or assistant, may decide, with you, to do one or more of the following:

  • Recommend and provide specialist equipment for use at home to support you, or the person you care for, with participation in daily living activities
  • Advise on/make recommendations for adaptations at home to improve access to essential facilities for you, or the person you care for, and advise on grants that may be available
  • Provide support and advice regarding rehousing
  • Provide support and advice regarding safety within the home
  • Signpost to other professionals and voluntary agencies