Caring for someone whilst working

The UK has nearly five million working carers. One in seven employees are working and providing care.  

If you're juggling your job whilst caring for someone, it's important to seek help early, so your own emotional and physical health isn't affected.

There are things you can do which may help:

  • If you haven’t already, tell your line manager about your caring responsibilities. Most organisations will have either a carers' policy or special leave policy
  • Find support for yourself in your caring role as early as possible. Locally, you can contact Shropshire Carers by email or call 01743 341995

Mobilise Shropshire

Mobilise Shropshire, an online carer support service, is working with Shropshire Carers to provide a range of free online services to support carers, in addition to what's already on offer in Shropshire.

Their toolkit of resources includes:

  • Signing up for a daily or weekly e-support package
  • A five-part email course designed to help unpaid carers
  • Virtual cuppas
  • Private Facebook community
  • One-to-one chats
  • Coaching
  • Up-to-date information on other support for carers

Take a look and see how Mobilise can support you. Mobilise Shropshire is accessible on low speed (dial up) internet connections.

Other support

You'll find lots of information for carers, including guidance on looking to return to work or taking time away from work, on the government's 'Working and supporting someone's health or care' page.

Helpful information can also be found in the Shropshire Choices Support Finder.