Affordable housing Definitions for statistic information

The following provides an explanation of the various terms used on our self-build register statistics page.

Number of individual applications 

This is the total number of subscriptions for this base period. Of these people some have expressed an interest in a particular type or location of housing as identified below. These figures don't make up the total of individual applicants who want to build.

Number of group applications

Groups are defined as more than one set of people interested in building their own homes.


Individuals or families who wish to commission their own self-build property.

Local connection 

Individuals who have a need to live in a settlement for various reasons but can't afford to buy an open-market property.

Shared equity 

Shared equity schemes work by you receiving an equity loan to put towards buying a property.

Affordable housing

Affordable homes can take the form of outright ownership (100% freehold) with restrictions to size and other criteria and fall into two categories: