Births, deaths and ceremonies What to expect on your first day
What should I wear/bring?
There is no formal dress code for the Coroner's court. However, the family of the person who has died will be there and we ask jurors to dress reasonably smartly out of respect. It's not necessary to wear a suit, smart casual clothes are fine.
There is often some waiting between court sessions, so you may want to bring a book or something to help pass the time. Your mobile phone and valuables can be left in the jury room whilst you're in court. We'll provide tea, coffee and water. You will need to provide your own lunch, or there are several cafes/shops close by and you can claim £5.71 for subsistence.
There are restrictions placed upon jurors when they are outside of the courtroom which the coroner will explain on the first morning.
Where should I go?
You will have detailed instructions of where to attend on your confirmation letter and can be found on our contact us page.
A Jury Officer will be in attendance and you should ask for them on your arrival at the court.
Could I be stood down? Swearing in
Please be aware that the senior coroner has requested the attendance of more jurors than are actually required, in order to exclude those who may have an interest in the case. On the first day, once all jurors are taken into court, a ballot will take place to reduce the number of jurors. If you are balloted out, you will be asked to remain within the vicinity of the courtroom and contactable, until midday of the first day. Once the requirement for you to remain has ceased, you should then return to your normal routine or work. You will be able to claim expenses for the morning you are effectively ‘on standby’.
If you're stood down, we will pay any loss of earnings or travel expenses for the day you attended. You will be recalled on another date to fulfil your obligation to serve.
You will need to take an oath or affirmation that you will give a true conclusion at the inquest according to the evidence. You can do this on the holy book of your choice or in a non-religious way.
Starting the case
The coroner will begin by explaining what an inquest is in law and giving a summary of the facts of the case.
This is not part of the evidence, but is simply to set the scene.
They will explain some very important rules for jurors. It's vital that you do not discuss the case with anyone else, including your family or partner. You must not do independent research, for example on the internet.
You must not attempt to communicate with anyone involved. If you do, it may affect the case and could even mean it has to be stopped and restarted with a new jury. You may also face penalties. Please take the coroner's directions on these issues very seriously.
Once the coroner has given their introduction, they will call the first witness and the evidence will begin.