Births, deaths and ceremonies ‘Forget-me-not’ memorial
Dear parents and family members,
Having collaborated with members of Action for Ashes, its Chairman, Mr Glen Perkins MBE and parents who wished to be involved; we are pleased to jointly advise that the ‘Forget-me-not’ memorial has recently been installed within the Dingle Garden of the Quarry Park, Shrewsbury. The memorial, a floral artwork sculpture of metal and glass depicts a Forget-me-not flower, the flower chosen because of its associated sentiment and symbolism of love, respect, faithfulness and remembrance.
Photo of the forget-me-not memorial Photo of inscription - In loving memory of our precious babies forever in our hearts
The Forget-me-not sculpture has been installed beside the ornamental pool within the Dingle and this tranquil setting within the beautiful gardens has provided a calming and fitting location for the memorial. We are sincerely grateful to Shrewsbury Town Council for granting permission for the installation, to Herefordshire based artist Jenny Pickford who created the memorial and to Shrewsbury based Rob Burrows Memorials who has created the base and carried out the installation.
We thank parents and family members for their patience, understanding and contributions to the various consultations.
Glen Perkins MBE, Chair of the Action for Ashes group said;
The installation of the Forget-me-not sculpture is the culmination of careful thoughts and considerable efforts by many parties. The memorial is an uplifting piece of sculpture in its own right but most importantly has special meaning for all parents who have felt the deep loss of losing a baby. The memorial is a beautiful work of art symbolising remembrance and in the wonderful setting of the Dingle, the location originally requested by parents. I am very grateful to all involved and sincerely hope the memorial and location provides a way of remembering your loved ones, with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Thank you for your cooperation throughout this process.
Best wishes,
Update issued May 2022 jointly by
Bereavement Services
On behalf of Shropshire Council
Mr Glen Perkins MBE
Chairman of Action for Ashes