Births, deaths and ceremonies Frequently asked questions about births

How do I register a birth?

You must register the birth within 42 days in the district in which it occurred. If your baby was born within the district of Shropshire excluding Telford and Wrekin, then you must attend a face-to-face appointment. You're able to book this appointment by calling us on 0345 678 9016 or email

What should I do if it is almost or over the 42 days since the birth?

It's a legal requirement to register within 42 days. If the child was born in Shropshire and you have not registered the birth within 42 days, you must email as soon as possible to arrange an appointment. 

Do I legally have to register a birth registration?

Yes, under the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 all births must be registered.

What documents are needed to book a registration?

You don't need any documents to book an appointment. It is useful if you are able to bring a proof of identity and the paperwork issued by the hospital to your appointment, however you can still register even if you do not have these documents.

 I'm married / in a civil partnership, do both of us have to come to the appointment?

No. As you are married / in a civil partnership only one of you needs to attend.

Do I have to bring my baby to the appointment?

No, you're not required to bring your child to the appointment.

Where are the register offices?

Can I reschedule my appointment?

You can reschedule your appointment by contacting us on 0345 678 9016 or email 

What should I do if I am running late for my appointment?

Please arrive promptly. We may not be able to accommodate you on the same day if you miss the start time of your appointment. If you are unable to make it to your appointment on time, you can reschedule by calling 0345 678 9016 or email

What is shown on the birth certificate?

The certificate contains the baby’s name and date of birth, parent’s details, including their names, place of birth, occupation and address.

How much does it cost to complete a birth registration?

There's no charge to register a baby’s birth.

A full birth certificate is the only certificate issued and contains all the information that appears in the register entry. Certificates are available to purchase at the time of registration at a cost of £12.50 each.

Please note if you're completing a declaration the certificates will not be issued and will be issued from the Registrars in which the birth took place.

I'm not married to the baby’s father, what do I do?

If you wish for the father’s details to be entered onto the child’s registration you'll need to have a joint registration where the father must also come to the appointment. If there are extenuating circumstances and they can't attend then please call 0345 678 9016 or email

I don't want to have the father’s details on the birth registration, what do I do?

A single registration will be taken, where the father’s details will remain blank. If you wish to include the father’s details at a later date then you will need to complete a re-registration form and make another appointment (where both parents will need to be there). Please note that the father can still seek a court order allowing his details to be entered if you do not grant permission.

I'm in a same sex relationship, but not married or in a civil partnership, can my partner’s details be included on the certificate?

Yes, they can be seen as the child’s second parent if both of you have been treated in the UK by a licensed clinic, and have made a ‘parenthood agreement’.

For both parents details to be recorded you must do one of the following:  

  • register the birth jointly (where both parents attend the appointment)
  • complete a statutory declaration of acknowledgement of parentage form and bring it to the appointment
  • get a document from the court giving the second female parent parental responsibility

We're a female same sex married couple / civil partners, how do our details show on our child’s certificate?

If the baby was conceived during the marriage / civil partnership and that agreement was not withdrawn at any time, then the birth mother will show as ‘Mother’ and the second parent will show as ‘parent’ on the certificate.

We're a male same sex married couple / civil partners, how can we be registered as parents?

You'll need to get a parental order from the court before you can be registered as parents.

Can I change my child’s name on their birth certificate?

It's not always possible to change a child’s name on their birth certificate. A child’s forenames (but not surname) can be changed within one year after registration only. Please email for further information A child’s surname (but not forenames) can only be changed if the birth is re-registered or the father’s name is added to a birth certificate. In all other circumstances a child’s name can be changed by deed poll. This will legally change their name, but doesn't change the name on their birth certificate.

How can I correct an error on the birth certificate?

A birth certificate is an important legal document. The registrar will ask you to carefully check the information before you sign the register as it is not always possible to amend the information. Incorrect information can sometimes be corrected, but new information cannot be added if your circumstances change. If you have found an error on a birth certificate, you must apply for a correction by contacting us on 0345 678 9016 or email For more information visit the GOV.UK website.

Further information about fees for correcting registrations can be found on our fees page.

How do I add a father’s name to a birth certificate?

If the father is not named on the original birth certificate. You'll need to complete an application form and then book an appointment for re-registration when invited to by the Registrars. 

What do we have to do if we have married since our child was registered?

Natural parents of a child are required to re-register the child’s birth if they marry each other at any time. You'll need to complete an application form and then you'll be invited to book an appointment for re-registration. Only one parent needs to attend this appointment. You'll need to bring your marriage certificate with you to the appointment. If you were not married in England or Wales, please email for more information.