Births, deaths and ceremonies Vow renewal ceremonies

A renewal of vows ceremony is for couples who are legally married or in a civil partnership together. Renewing your vows is an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to each other in a personalised ceremony with your loved ones. This is a wonderful way to celebrate a special anniversary or a renewed commitment to one another or you may have had your marriage abroad and would like a ceremony with friends and family here. The ceremony will be conducted by one of our experienced Ceremonies Officers.

The ceremony has no legal standing and is non-religious.

Choosing a venue

If you decide to have your renewal of vows in Shropshire, there are a number of venues for you to choose from, including;

  • The ceremony room at The Guildhall
  • Castle View in Oswestry
  • Or at one of our approved venues

What happens at a renewal of vows ceremony?

The content of the ceremony is chosen by you, we will give you a guide to help create a unique event that the two of you and your guests will remember and reflect events in your life together. You can include your own wording, poems, readings which can be done by your guests and renewal of vows.

The ceremony can contain the following;

  • Introduction and welcome
  • Reading or poem
  • Reaffirmation of vows
  • Exchange of rings
  • Reading or poem
  • Closing words
  • Signing of the commemorative certificate

Book your ceremony

To check availability for Castle View or the Guildhall and arrange your ceremony please call 0345 6789016 or email

For an approved venue you will need to book them and then call us to arrange for us to attend your venue
A non-refundable deposit is required at booking.

You'll need to produce your marriage or civil partnership certificate when booking.


See our fees section for more details.

Have you had your ceremony?

We appreciate your feedback.