Births, deaths and ceremonies Order a copy certificate


You are able to order copies of any births, marriages, deaths or civil partnership certificates where the event took place in Shropshire by booking an appointment online. If you're not sure whether the event took place in Shropshire and you are doing your family history why not check here.

Overseas customers - please order your copy certificates on the website.


Take a look at our fees section to find out how much copy certificates cost.

Religious buildings

For couples marrying in a registered place of worship your certificate within Shropshire (excluding Telford anf Wrekin) you will no longer be issued. Certificates will need to be ordered and paid for online. Certificates are £12.50 each.

To order a certificate you will need to know:

  • The full names of both partners including former names (for example, a woman’s maiden surname)
  • The date of the marriage
  • The place of marriage

Adopted children

The General Register Office for England and Wales holds the adopted children's register. There are also general register offices for Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Birth, marriages and deaths outside Shropshire

For births, marriages and deaths outside the county, you'll need to contact the relevant register office. To do this, visit the General Register Office for England and Wales website, and then type the town or postcode into the search facility on the site.