Births, deaths and ceremonies Fees payable for registrars to attend at a church or other place
- Item
Registrar attending marriage at a registered building
- Total cost
- Payable at time of booking
- Item
Attendance to take notice of marriage or civil partnership of a house-bound or detained person
- Total cost
£57 (housebound)
£82 (detained)- Payable at time of booking
- Item
Total cost for Registrar and Superintendent Registrar to attend a marriage or civil partnership at the residence of a house-bound or detained person
- Total cost
£199 (housebound)
£219 (detained)- Payable at time of booking
- Item
- Registrar to attend a marriage at a registered building or the residence of a house-bound or detained person
- Total cost
£98 (housebound)
£106 (detained)- Payable at time of booking
- Yes
- Item
- Conversion of civil partnership in accordance with the procedure for housebound or detained persons
- Total cost
£109 (housebound)
£129 (detained)- Payable at time of booking
- Item
Emergency marriage/civil partnerships by registrar generals licence/special procedure
- Total cost
£47 including two certificates
- Payable at time of booking
- Yes