Charter for children in care and care leavers

This charter will try to ensure that all children in care and care leavers have equal access to services, support and life opportunities. It will raise expectations, aspirations and understanding of what the council should do to be good corporate parents.

My health

Offer me advice and opportunities to help me be healthy. Give me easy and open access to health services, including sexual and mental health.

My voice

Listen to my views and opinions. Put my needs and feelings at the heart of all decisions about me. 

Ask me what I think and I want to do. If you don’t agree then tell me why.

My home

Give me carers who are people-friendly and a home that appropriate to my individual needs.

Offer me a home where I can be safe and happy, not just a bed. Don’t forget about me if I live far from home. Help me to move onto independent living when I am ready.

My social life

Make my life fun! Provide opportunities and activities for me to take part in.

Moving on 

Plan for the future with me clearly and be ready to put support in place if things go wrong. Prepare me before it’s time to move on with things like life skills, cooking, driving and money management.

Inform me

Explain to me what my rights are. Tell me what I’m entitled to and what I can ask for at different points of my life.

Give me clear information about myself and my time in care when I want it.


Support me in my endeavours. Offer me practical and financial support. Give me access to safe people to turn to when I'm upset or angry, and the chance to talk things through with someone who isn't part of the council.

Education, work and training

Provide me with a suitable education, a budget if I choose to go onto university and help seeking employment, training or education. Shropshire Council should continue to provide young people in care the chance to do work experience with the council as if it was the ‘family firm’.


Respect me and treat me fairly, and as an individual. Be honest and don’t make promises you can’t keep. Do your best to promote children in care and make sure they don’t get a bad name. Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of children in care.