Our pledge

This is our pledge for Shropshire, which was created by the Care Crew Council with input from young people in care, foster carers and councillors. This pledge asks that corporate parents acknowledge and embrace their duty of care. This will try to ensure that all children and young people in care and care leavers have equal access to services, support and life opportunities.

By signing this document you're making a pledge to children and young people in the care of Shropshire Council that you'll aim to deliver these promises.

Social workers and my details 

“I need support, and a good social worker”

  • I need a social worker who I can rely on. Social workers should adhere to 'the promise' and visit on an agreed basis 
  • I want to be made aware of any important information about me – stuff that is relevant to my life
  • I'd like to have the opportunity to change social worker if I'm not happy with them
  • My personal details should be protected and confidential so that information is shared only with people who need to know
  • I would like the chance to see my file

My social life

“Offer me activities”

  • I'd like to be supplied with information on clubs and events in my local area
  • I'd like the chance to have support to go to clubs and activities that I like - including money to pay for activities, transport, and the opportunity to have someone to take me there
  • Young people of compulsory school age should have access to free or discounted music lessons
  • Pocket money should be rounded to the nearest whole pound
  • We think that much better links should be developed between children and holiday carers so that, if possible, children go to the same respite carer each year and not have to worry where they're going and having to go through introductions to yet more people
  • The council should offer me discounted access to arts and heritage sites in Shropshire, such as the theatre and museums

Being healthy

“I want the chance to be in good health”

  • When asked, give me advice on how to stay healthy
  • I want easier and more open access to sexual health services
  • Make sure that I have plenty of food to eat


“Safe people to turn to when I am upset or angry”

  • I want the chance to access therapy and other professional services as appropriate
  • Young people and their carers must be able to access professional outside help if their needs are not met by council agencies
  • I want the chance to meet and consult other young people who have experiences of being in care through a mentoring or befriending scheme

Moving on

“Help for the future”

  • I need support that's tailored to the individual and ongoing post-18. This support needs to be effective, whether I go back to my family or stay in care
  • Make sure that I'm aware of the support I can get if I stay in care
  • Give me the chance to prove my independence, and support me if it doesn’t work out
  • Help me with my finances – tell me what I’m entitled to and give me better access to this information
  • When I reach 17 I'd like the chance to learn to drive – we'd like you to consider providing subsidised driving lessons for care leavers as well as a driving licence


Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of children and young people in care. Respect young people, treat me fairly and as an equal to others. Honour the 'corporate parenting' role and do your best to live up to the requests outlined in this pledge.


This pledge sets out the role and responsibilities of Shropshire Council members and officers across all directorates. This requires a corporate approach from all services, and a commitment to doing the best for the young people in our care.