Shropshire Virtual School Term time holidays for Looked After Children

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Following recent updates to the DfE statutory guidance ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ we would like to remind you of the policy around requests for term time holidays for looked-after children.

The DfE does not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance. Last year unauthorised absence from term time holiday was too high. When a request for absence during term time is required due to exceptional circumstances, please take the following steps in advance of the planned leave:

  • The carer & SW (& person with Parental Responsibility if S20) must consult with Shropshire Virtual School before going to a School to make a request. They should contact their Virtual School Link worker.
  • The Virtual School Link must come to the Virtual School Headteacher with any request for consideration in advance.
  • The Virtual School Headteacher will take into account other factors e.g. transitions, staying with another family, current attendance %
  • If Virtual School Headteacher agrees there is an exceptional case, only then can the Social Worker approach the School Head Teacher - and it is the School Headteacher’s decision ultimately.
  • Please note - CLA term time holiday will only be agreed in exceptional circumstances and cannot be agreed retrospectively.