Shropshire Virtual School Early Years
PEPs for children in the Early Years
All children who are looked after must have a care plan, of which the PEP is an integral part. The PEP should be initiated from pre-school to age 18 as an evolving record for the child and reflects a personalised approach of support to help them fulfil their potential. Shropshire Virtual School ask settings to hold a PEP meeting using the e-PEP (an electronic education record) so that each child can be supported on their learning journey and transition into school can be carefully planned for.
If you would like to contact Shropshire Virtual School for any advice or support on early years please email us at
Please see our education promotion guidance for further information.
It's a social worker's responsibility to work with the early years setting and parents/carers to ensure that this is completed as it forms the education component of the child’s care plan. It will identify need and interventions that support learning through play and the acquisition of language and skills.
We hope the information and guidance on our website helps every supporting person to achieve a good quality PEP for our young people. Below are the documents that have been co-produced with our social care managers, our schools and our parent representative. Thank you to everyone who took part and supported in the development of Our Shropshire PEP.
PP+ for children in the early years
Early Years Pupil Premium Plus (EYPP) is paid to the early years setting for a child who is eligible i.e. if the child receives either:
- The universal 15 hours entitlement for 3 and 4-year-olds or
- The 15 hours entitlement for disadvantaged 2-year-olds or
- 15 hours entitlement for children aged 2 years of working parents or
- From September 2024, the 15 hours entitlement for children aged 9 months to 2-year-olds of working parents.
They meet any of the other criteria, which include currently being looked after by a LA in England or Wales or they have left care in England or Wales through an adoption order, a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order.
EYPP becomes payable from the beginning of the term following an eligible child turning 9 months old or the beginning of the term following their second or third birthday.
Early years settings can claim for an eligible child for 68 pence per hour up to a maximum of 570 hours (£388 per year). Early years PP+ is only payable on the universal 15 hours entitlement and not on the additional 15 hours entitlement for working parents.
The DfE has issued new guidance around the provision of free childcare for eligible working parents of children aged from 9 months and above in foster care. Further information which outlines the Shropshire application process can be found within EY Childcare and PP Information. The application form should be submitted to the child's social worker in the first instance.
CLA also have an entitlement for funding through 2 for you, please email for support with this process. You can refer to Early years entitlements: local authority funding operational guide 2024 to 2025 for more information.