Shropshire Virtual School Apply for free childcare for foster children
The DfE have issued new guidance around the provision of free childcare for eligible working parents of children aged from 9 months and above in foster care. The guidance can be found on the GOV.UK website.
If foster parents wish for a child in their care to attend a Shropshire Early Years setting and access a free childcare place – and/or to apply for Early Years Pupil Premium funds to be released to the Early Years setting the child attends, they should complete the application form which can be found on the Shropshire Virtual School website.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) - It is essential that this form is completed in order that the child’s EYPP funding can be released to their Early Years setting. Without this form the Early Years Funding Team are unable to process this payment.
The below gives details of the application process: