Shropshire Virtual School Key stage five

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The virtual school supports 16–18 year olds (years 12 and 13). Education, employment and training is key to ensuring that young people transition to full independence positively. To assist in this process, we work in partnership with colleagues in social care, carers, young people, universities and training providers, work that's supported by the Young People in Care and Care Leavers Support Partnership Agreement – West Midlands.

The post-16 PEP in Shropshire

Every one of our young people in the Key Stage 5 phase must have a PEP to support them up to the age of 18 and in Shropshire we ensure this takes place up to the end of the young person’s ‘Year 13’. This ensures they have support through the Key Stage 5 phase towards successful engagement with education, employment or training - and also supports their onwards progression as they leave care and transition into the next stage of education, training or employment. The current PEP document is available online via our LCS delegation portal. Please contact for access to the portal.

We hope the information and guidance on our website helps every supporting person to achieve a good quality PEP for our young people. Below are the documents that have been co-produced with our social care managers, our schools and our parent representative – thank you to everyone who took part and supported in the development of our Shropshire PEP.

Post 16 Pupil Premium Plus

Shropshire Virtual School has received a Grant to improve the outcomes of Looked After young people in the Post 16 phase ie Key Stage 5. The terms and conditions outline how it must be spent on well-evidenced interventions by supporting our young people towards achieving their full potential, particularly in reference to attainment, attendance and retention.

The DFE specifies that the Grant should be spent in line with achieving duties outlined in the guidance promoting the education of looked-after and previously looked-after children and that an effective spend should enable the young people to have sustained involvement in education, employment or training.

Shropshire Virtual School have developed a strategic plan so this Grant is spent effectively. For 2023-24 financial year the plan includes:

  • Educational Psychology advice & support
  • Personalised Mentoring
  • Project to support young people into education, employment or training
  • Pathway Tuition project – support towards achieving a Grade 4 English or Maths GCSE or equivalent
  • Whole setting training on becoming Attachment and Trauma Responsive Post 16 providers
  • Speaker events for young people, care leavers, providers and practitioners
  • Celebration events to promote young people & care leavers’ achievements
  • Duke of Edinburgh scheme

If you would like to access any of these resources or supports please contact your VS Link in the Key Stage 5 team or email

There is also a fund where small amounts to help individual students to support attainment, attendance or retention can be requested by the VS Link person in the Key Stage 5 team. At this time it is not our aim to provide IT equipment as part of this. Please talk to your VS Link for more details.

Your school council

The Shropshire Virtual School have started a council where we meet once a term, the most recent meeting was in May. 

This meeting focused on young people’s voice on what they think a council is, the roles and responsibilities and to get feedback from the young people about the previous SVS celebration event – this is feeding into planning for the event this September 2024. 

Our young people who have been a part of the council were invited to give their feedback to the Independent Reviewing Officers team , this included the opportunity to give their wishes and feelings on service delivery. 

In the Autumn term 2023 our School Council helped to design and undertake a ‘Take Over’ of our SVS Conference! We were very proud of them - see what this looked like.

If you would like to find out more or take part please contact 

For more advice and support around Key Stage 5 education, employment or training please contact: