Shropshire Virtual School Shropshire PEP process – guidance for practitioners

Thank you for supporting each one of our young people to have a good quality PEP as an integral part of their care plan!

Before the meeting

PEP for new into care - or young person starts at new provision

The virtual school (VS) will send an email to the SW and SW admin, DT and cc in the IRO and VS Link for the young person. The SW arranges the PEP meeting within 20 school days of entering care (10 days in an emergency) or of starting the new provision.

Review PEP

The date was set at the previous meeting. Meeting is held termly. SW sends invitations. Shropshire VS provides advice and will prioritise attendance at the meeting where additional support is needed.

The DT will prepare the PEP:

  • Support the young person to answer their questions
  • Ensure attendance data in ePEP is up-to-date and consider a target set for addressing any issues
  • Input most recent attainment and progress data available
  • Set/review targets with teachers (for English/reading or writing and maths as a minimum)

(If the young person is not in a school/setting then the VS link prepares the PEP)

The SW will

  • Ensure that all parties are invited to the meeting (including a Teams link where needed)
  • Complete/update the social worker ‘single page’ and sign-off their section of the PEP

During the meeting

  1. The DT chairs the meeting, the SW, carer and invitees attend. The DT ensures that ‘My PEP’ contains concise information giving a robust picture of the young person’s educational achievements and actions to support the plan. During the meeting adults discuss updates on the young person’s care plan, their needs, development, progress, and views. The young person is encouraged to participate but may want support to have their views and wishes shared. (If the young person is not in a school/setting then the VS Link chairs and completes the PEP).
  2. All the adults supporting the young person ensure the PEP meeting is of a good standard.
  3. The next PEP meeting date is arranged and put on ePEP.

After the meeting

  1. The DT uses the quality checklist to ensure the PEP is complete and to a good standard within 10 school days of the meeting. The SW will send out invites (or Team links) for the review meeting.
  2. The VS quality assures the PEP against the quality checklist within 20 school days of the meeting. If the PEP is ‘needing development’ the DT/SW will be notified and supported to make the improvements swiftly.
  3. It is the responsibility of the DT to share the Personal Education Plan with the young person. It is the responsibility of the SW to share a copy with parent/carers. The VS will attach the PEP to LCS as a document.

If you have any questions about PEPs for young people in care to Shropshire, please contact