Shropshire Virtual School Pupil Premium Plus FAQs
What is Pupil Premium Plus?
PP+ is a grant that the Department of Education allocates to Virtual Schools for the purpose of raising attainment. It should be used to enhance achievement based on well-evidenced interventions to help children achieve their full potential.
Who is Pupil Premium Plus for?
Children who are currently looked-after are eligible for PP+ if they have been in care for at least one day and are in year groups from Reception up to the end of Year 11.
How much is Pupil Premium Plus?
In the financial year 2023-24, the grant that comes to Virtual Schools is £2430 per looked-after child. Shropshire Virtual School sends £430 each term for each child to their school (except for independent settings). Extra PP+ can be requested at any time by contacting the VS Link – but if possible discuss it at the PEP.
How will I know what PP+ has been spent on?
In the PEP the school describes what the PP+ has been spent on and what the outcomes were – for example how their spelling improved after a phonics intervention.
Can Pupil Premium Plus be used for out of school activities?
If the activity supports achievement, PP+ can be used for wider opportunities. For example, gymnastics or horse-riding may improve confidence, motor skills and engagement in learning. Contributions to school trips can be considered however it is best to have a discussion with the child’s VS Link person in order to check well in advance.
What happens to the Pupil Premium Plus not sent to schools?
Shropshire Virtual School acts as a ‘good parent’ would and aims to best use the remaining amount to fund initiatives that will support achievement and attainment. Examples of this are tuition or educational psychology.
What are some examples of what Pupil Premium Plus is being used for in Shropshire?
- Participation events such as theatre trips, music workshops and outdoor education
- Educational psychology support and training
- Letterbox parcels
- Mentoring
- Training on areas such as nurture, attachment and trauma, aspirations etc
- Tuition
- and much more!
What happens in the Early Years?
Early Years PP+ is for children aged 3 to 4 who are accessing provision for the universal 15 hours. It is payable from the beginning of the term following an eligible child’s 3rd birthday. Early Years settings can claim at the national rate of 60 pence per hour per eligible pupil up to a maximum of 570 hours (ie up to a maximum of £342 per year).
In Shropshire, the Early Years setting completes a form and will then receive payments directly from the Shropshire Councils Early Years team. The Virtual School looks at the child’s PEP to see how the PP+ grant is being used. If a child is looked-after by Shropshire, but attends a setting in another Local Authority, the setting will need to apply to their own Local Authority to access the funding.
For more information, the GOV.UK website contains guidance on early years entitlements for local authority funding.
Information on Pupil Premium Plus for previously looked-after children
- Parents or carers should inform the school of their child’s status so that this fund can be applied for.
- ‘Previously looked-after children’ includes children who were looked after by the Local Authority and ceased to be looked after due to adoption, special guardianship order or child arrangements order
- PP+ funding goes directly to the school (not via the Virtual School)
- How a school spends PP in general should be on their website
- PP+ is not a personal budget for individual children, however previously looked-after children are highly likely to have barriers or gaps in their learning as a result of their experiences and the allocation of PP+ recognises their need for support.
- At Shropshire Virtual School we support early planning for transitions around leaving care and are happy to have a conversation at PEPs on how to use the PP+ grant before the order is granted.