Shropshire Virtual School Time for You
What is Time for You?
Time for You is for school staff who would like a reflective space to have a conversation about a young person attending your school who is in care to Shropshire, previously looked-after or is a child with a social worker.
Time is able to be booked with Dr. Eleanor Tomlinson (CPsychol., D.Ed.Psych., BSc Hons Chartered Educational and Child Psychologist) and the conversation is led by you. It aims to be objective, safe and supportive - the safe space enables you to discuss your authentic feelings, thoughts and concerns around supporting this young person and gives time to considering possible ways of moving forward with them.
"It was good to discuss my concerns and worries with someone who was impartial and who could unpick the way that I was feeling" – Assistant Headteacher
"Coaching sessions provide such a fabulous opportunity to discuss any stresses or worries and provide ways to deal with these going forward" – Head Teacher
"I feel incredibly safe in my coaching sessions. I am comfortable to speak openly and honestly
without the worry of being judged or blamed" – Head Teacher"I was able to not only talk about school stuff, but due to the trust I have in the coach, I was also able to talk about personal issues that were affecting me. She could then coach me through these difficult times and due to being so empathetic she ensured I stayed 'in one piece!'" – Deputy Head Teacher
The Coaching Model
The coaching model structures the conversation to help move towards identifying actions that would be helpful. It is a safe, confidential, supportive-and challenging relationship in which you can think through aspects of your work with a non judgmental sounding board. Dr Eleanor Tomlinson will listen carefully, ask questions to support your thinking and action planning - and enable you to find a way forward that works for you and which draws upon/is informed by your existing strengths and successes (Adams,2020).
Time Commitment
Usually 60 minutes with the option of a follow up review, of approximately 30 minutes. This will take place via Microsoft Teams at an agreed time
How can I access this service?
You can access this service by completing the short request form. When this is completed, please send it to