Shropshire Virtual School Summary of training delivered 2022-23
The Virtual School has used PP+ and other grants to develop a comprehensive training offer
Training achieved in 2022-23
- 8 primary schools in becoming an attachment and responsive school
- Essential PEP training series of these schools and SW
- Emotion coaching awareness training for schools and SW
- 17 schools the practice theory and practise of nurture
- Emotion coaching for carers and previously looked after parents
- Aspire trainers for 4 secondary schools
- Dream believe achieve for carers
- Continued 'Time for You' sessions
- Speech and language for Stepping Stones
- Transition training for schools
- 12 schools trained in theory and practice of Boxall profile
- Pathway to adulthood for professionals
- The ABC of SEN
- Making a difference at PEPS
- DT network sessions/New to DT role/Governors update
Additional training to support inclusion across Shropshire included:
- 17 schools were trained in theory and practice of nurture to set up a nurture resource /room in their setting. There is a further roll out this Autumn
- 41 schools attended the transition training session and have the transition toolkit from Dr Tina Rae to support them in their learning going forwards
- 24 schools attended our Boxall Training
- 71 schools attended our emotion coaching awareness training course
- The aspire training for personalised careers mentoring was fully attended by 4 secondary schools
This is in addition to designated teacher networks, new to post training for designated teachers and CLA governor training.
Feedback from the training delivered to schools by the Virtual School team on attachment and trauma included comments such as...
"Personable knowledgeable facilitators with real, relevant experience of schools and children with a wide range of needs. The sessions were a good balance between teaching, videos, feedback and reflection. Facilitators ensured that all staff felt comfortable to share experiences, ask questions etc."
"Both Jo and Lindsay spoke our language! We have a passion for safeguarding and supporting those children who've experience trauma. You have taught us so much along with embedding strategies we already use. It's so nice to hear we're on the right tracks in so many ways but we're not a complacent school and welcome new ideas, initiatives and proven strategies. I can honestly say in my 23 years of teaching, your sessions were some of the most informative".
Overall outcomes were that 90% strongly agreed they enjoyed the training and 100% agreed it helped them understand attachment, trauma and the science behind it.
Impact and Outcomes
The Virtual School has a service level agreement with the Shropshire Educational Psychology Service which funds assessments, intervention and 3 roll outs of foundation level training in attachment. Fifty practitioners from schools attended, 26% of this group were from secondary schools and 74% from primary schools. Impact is that evidence from feedback showed scores from pre to post training doubled in terms of average knowledge. The training was overall rated 'very good'.
Impact for YOU:
There is also further work with an independent Educational Psychologist - and this supports the 'Time for YOU' consultation offer for schools for CLA, PLAC and CWSW which has been very well received. 100% of schools felt it has been a safe and non-judgemental space to discuss their needs and concerns about supporting individual young people.
Emotional coaching for carers:
77% of participants who took part in feedback strongly agreed that the training quality was high. 69% of participants also strongly agreed that the training to be beneficial for them in supporting young people
Pathway to adulthood:
75% of participants who took part in feedback strongly agreed that the training quality was high. 75% of participants also strongly agreed that the training to be beneficial for them in supporting young people
If you have an interest in any of the training that we deliver, please contact