
Multi-disciplinary partnership working

Stepping Stones Forum

The Stepping Stones Forum has oversight of families who have been considered at a Stepping Stones consultation meeting and have been accepted to receive intervention, or, who have been signposting for multi-agency support regarding barriers to progress, to ensure a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach. 

The forum is held on a fortnightly basis to:

  • Share information of service involvement, and undertake specific actions to break down barriers
  • Undertake discussion of rising/escalating issues
  • Report on progress and outcomes
  • Encourage networking and updating of developments in multi-agency service provisions

Services represented at the forum include: Shropshire Virtual School, housing, probation, mental health, West Mercia Youth Justice Team, Connexus, BeeU, education advice and support, nursing, TMBSS, We Are With You Adults, We Are With You Young People, police.