Project vision

Summary of project vision

The Stepping Stones business case was approved by Shropshire Council in 2019, and set out a vision for a project which (based on the North Yorkshire model 'No Wrong Door') would provide individualised, intensive, wrap around support to children and parents.

The Stepping Stones project is based on the premise that children achieve better outcomes living in a home environment wherever possible. Stepping Stones works differently in that it works with adults in their own right to understand their own lived experience and trauma, to provide them with the opportunity to work through any issues, and to provide tools and strategies to enable effective parenting.

A multi-skilled team is key, working with presenting issues, the causal factors and through quick development and implementation of tailored support to get the right support first time to children, adults and families.

The project aims to change the thinking that children living in a residential care arrangement are children that can't be fostered. It seeks to challenge the preconceived ideas that children go through a system of foster care and then to residential, with no option of return back to foster care or a foster home when the time is right. The long-term goal with all children is to live in an environment that matches their needs, and Stepping Stones aims to support children to step down from residential care when the time is right for them, with the support of empathetic and skilled carers who are able to meet their ongoing needs.


The project is based on the North Yorkshire 'No Wrong Door' project, which successfully improved the safety and stability of children and young people by a right people, right place, right time approach.

The purpose of the Stepping Stones project is to:

  • Reduce the number of children requiring high-cost residential placements in Shropshire - when we started this was 65

  • Total saving/avoidance targets of £6.285 million

  • Increase the number of children being able to safely return to live with their family or a foster family

  • Provide a holistic, psychologically informed approach which provides wrap around, individualised support to children, young people and adults in families

  • Reframe the view and use of residential care, where essential, to a short-term intervention rather than long term solution

  • Address issues of placement stability