Council tax Section 13A discount

Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 provides billing authorities with the discretion to award a council tax discount outside of the statutory discounts and exemptions.

The power can be exercised in relation to particular cases or by determining a class of case in which liability is to be reduced.

For information about our process for considering requests for section 13A discretionary discounts, and an application form and supporting documents, please download the form and related documents at the bottom of this page.

Care leavers leaving local authority care discount

Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 provides billing authorities with the discretion to award a council tax discount outside of the statutory discounts and exemptions. The power can be exercised in relation to particular cases or by determining a class of case in which liability is to be reduced.

We've identified young people leaving the care of Shropshire Council as a vulnerable group.  As a result we've decided to exercise its discretion and award a council tax discount to care leavers with effect from 1 April 2018 in the following circumstances.


A care leaver, for the purposes of this policy, is a young person aged 18 – 25 who was formerly a child in the care of Shropshire Council and then became a ‘care leaver’ as defined by The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000, and is liable for council tax on a dwelling within the Shropshire Council area. This means it will include young people who were in our care by voluntary agreement or because of a court order.

Award criteria

  1. Care leavers who are solely liable to pay council tax will be awarded 100% relief on the amount of council tax they are liable to pay after all statutory discounts and exemptions have been applied
  2. Where a care leaver is jointly liable a proportionate award will be made according to their individual circumstances, eg if there's one other occupier then 50% discount is applied
  3. Where a care leaver is not liable for council tax no discount will be awarded
  4. Where a property is occupied only by care leavers, 100% discretionary discount will be applied
  5. No reduction will be made for care leavers of other authorities living within the Shropshire Council boundary
  6. Where a care leaver is entitled to council tax exemption in accordance with the Council Tax (Exempt Dwellings) Order 1992 (as amended) then they will receive that exemption
  7. A qualifying care leaver will qualify for the discount up until their 25th birthday
  8. The care leaver discount will be awarded after the award of other statutory council tax discounts other than council tax support

Application process

All applications for care leaver discount must be submitted to the Council Tax Team by the Leaving Care Team, not the care leaver, in order to apply for the discount. If you believe that you might qualify for this discount please contact the Leaving Care Team at:


Telephone: 01743 254590


The Vicarage
Abbey Foregate