0-2 years

All of these suggestions will help your toddler learn and grow:

  • Hold me close and let me see your face, this makes me feel safe and I learn about faces and recognise emotions
  • When you talk to me, I learn new words
  • When you talk to me, I know I'm important to you
  • When you talk to me, I'll try and copy
  • I like it when we look at picture books together. I learn new words and start to recognise objects
  • Let me explore my world so that I can learn about it. Let me play on my tummy, on my back and let me touch and feel things
  • When you sing to me, I start to recognise words, patterns and rhythms, so please sing to me or tell me a story or a nursery rhyme
  • When you feed me healthy food, I'll grow and develop. Look out for my cues, I'll tell you when I'm hungry and when I'm full
  • When I'm ready let me try new foods
  • I like to explore my food, how it feels, looks and tastes. I might be messy but I learn a lot
  • When I'm cuddled, I feel safe and loved
  • It’s fun when we play together and I learn from you
  • I like to play outside
  • I like to explore but I look to you to keep me safe
  • Time to rest to take in what I have learnt today

To help me to continue to grow, develop and learn, I need….

  • To see the dentist to make sure my teeth are healthy
  • To have my immunisations to protect me from infection and serious diseases
  • To have my health checks to make sure I'm growing and developing well and to help me if I need additional support
  • For you to seek advice when I'm not well
  • To see other people and play with other children