Levelling up Shropshire

In January 2023, the Economic Growth Team was successfully awarded £18.7m to progress two complementary infrastructure and public realm projects in Shrewsbury from central government’s Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Fund (then known as LUF funding, now referred to as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund), to realise the ambitions of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan.

It will contribute towards addressing imbalances in GVA (productivity levels) and market failure (where the cost of undertaking the development exceeds its value to the market), that are present not only in Shrewsbury but across Shropshire. 

Economic growth in Shrewsbury is restricted due to a lack of employment sites that are limiting investment and job creation. This is worsened by a town centre that is constrained and underperforming, with an over-reliance on retail. There is a strategic need to attract and grow higher value sectors and strengthen some of our existing sectors to create better jobs.

The town centre will benefit from the funding (which is 90% central government grant from the UK Prosperity Fund) by accelerating significant physical infrastructure works, critical to unlocking the vital, transformational Smithfield Riverside Development Programme.

Capitalising on its unrealised riverside location, the programme will regenerate c1.2ha of brownfield land, enabling mixed-use low carbon development, significantly improving Shrewsbury’s employment and productivity, incentivising private sector investment, whilst addressing flood adaptation, the creation of high-quality civic spaces, and increased choice and opportunity for all to live in the town.

Artist's impression Of The Riverside Development
Artist's impression Of The Riverside Development

Associated transport, active travel and public realm interventions adjacent to the town’s gateway rail station will ensure that this development programme is connected to and has maximum benefit for the town, including one of its more deprived communities. It will address significant environmental, health and wellbeing challenges, including traffic congestion and air quality, poor accessibility to public transport and safe connectivity to the town centre.


  • Increased appeal of Shrewsbury town centre and the wider Shrewsbury urban area as a viable location for business, tourism and investment
  • Growth of higher value, higher skilled jobs in Shrewsbury
  • Lower vacancy rates and increased commercial floorspace
  • A connected and accessible town centre for those using all modes of transport

With an ambitious delivery timescale of mid-2025 this LUF funding will demonstrate Shropshire Council’s capability to deliver lasting change in the county town aligned with the government’s missions to level up the UK, restoring a sense of community, local pride and belonging.