Becoming a councillor
Shropshire Council is led by 74 councillors, who set the vision and direction for the local community. Councillors are democratically elected to serve a four-year term of office at the scheduled local election cycle, which is usually held in May. Should a vacancy arise part way through the term of office due to a councillor resignation, disqualification or death, a by-election is held, at which time a replacement may be elected or co-opted to serve for the remainder of that term of office. The next local elections in Shropshire are scheduled to take place in May 2025.
What councillors do
Councillors represent their own local community, and must usually either live or work in Shropshire at the time they're elected. The Electoral Commission has provided further information for potential candidates in both unitary council elections and town / parish elections.
Each councillor has the chance to make a difference to the quality of life for people in their local area, and being an effective councillor takes commitment and hard work. They have to balance their family and working life with the needs and interests of residents, the political party they represent (if any) and the council.
The councillor’s role is focused on community leadership and engagement, dealing with a range of operational and strategic matters. Responsibilities include:
- Representing the division to which they're elected
- Decision-making - developing and reviewing council policy
- Scrutinising decisions taken by cabinet members
- Regulatory and statutory duties
Find out more about the role and expectations of a Shropshire councillor.
To cover their roles and duties, councillors receive a basic annual payment of £12,890.96. The council also has a scheme for the reimbursement of child care costs and other expenses.
How can I get involved?
Once you’ve decided to get involved and stand as a councillor there are two routes you can take; you can choose to stand for a political party/group or as an independent.
Representing a political party
If you want to represent a political party then get involved with that party locally as soon as possible. It'll advise on what's involved, and ultimately select a candidate to represent them in elections.
Standing as an independent candidate
If you’re thinking of standing as an independent candidate you can find information and advice from the Electoral Commission. It would be useful to gain an understanding of issues in your local area, what the council is doing about them and how your own opinion differs from the political parties.
For more general information, take a look at the dedicated Be a councillor website or the Local Government Association's guidance.