Shropshire Environmental Network and planning applications
SEN map system
Our Shropshire Environmental Network map can be used to see the extent of the network in relation to any given planning application.
The Shropshire Environmental Network (SEN) consists of areas of high biodiversity value and the areas that act as connective ‘corridors and stepping stones’ between them. These need to be taken into account when compiling development proposals, to ensure that they meet national and local policy regarding the protection and enhancement of the natural environment.
This is a separate policy requirement to the mandatory 10% biodiversity net gain requirement.
Please read our 'Guidance Note 11: Environmental Networks' for more information.
A significant feature missing from the map is hedgerows. Any hedgerow that consists of at least 80% native woody shrubs, and measures at least 20m in length, qualifies as 'priority habitat', and would therefore be classified as a core area of the environmental network. Currently, there's no existing data that maps the extent of hedgerows in the UK or locally. Hedgerows still need to be considered in all aspects of the network.