Community landscape assessments

Your community can use landscape character assessment and historic landscape characterisation to help you prepare a village design statement.

Village design statements give your community a chance to express its views on how development should take place in your area. They provide clear and simple guidance for the design of development in a village or parish, based on its character. Once completed, they can be formally adopted by us as a supplementary planning document.

We've worked successfully with local groups to develop an approach which will enable you to understand the landscape character of your parish. This will enable you to relate the information we hold about the landscape of the county to your area. It will also allow you to undertake a survey that will provide detailed information to support your decisions.

The Kinnerley Parish Landscape Group has undertaken a landscape character assessment as part of its parish design statement. This document represents an extension to the Kinnerley Parish Plan, which was completed in 2005. Published here with the permission of Kinnerley Parish Council, it provides an excellent example of what your community could achieve.

If your community is interested in undertaking a landscape character assessment of your parish, and you'd like to find out what help we can provide, please contact us.