Environmental health Environmental search requests

Environmental searches and land/property sales

Mortgage lenders may ask for an environmental search to help them decide if a property or land is suitable to lend money on. To request an environmental search you need to download the form, return it to the address at the bottom of the form and provide the following information:

  • A plan clearly showing the boundary of the property or land; and
  • A list of the specific information that you require

The fee for undertaking a search is currently £90 per hour or part thereof, and you'll be charged on completion of the search. Please note that Shropshire Council’s preferred payment method is by Credit Card or Debit Card, as invoices cannot be issued for fees less than £100. The search will be conducted within 20 working days from receipt of the signed form.

Environmental Protection holds a variety of information on, but not limited to, the following:

  • Environmental protection records of contamination issues at a site and at land adjacent to the site
  • Available records of unlicensed, pre-licensing or closed landfill sites
  • Sites determined to be statutory contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in Shropshire Council
  • Site investigation information, where available and appropriate
  • Petroleum spirit storage tanks, both historic decommissioned tanks and current installations
  • Environmental Protection Act 1990 statutory nuisance notices
  • Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999, Part A(2) and Part B permitted processes
  • Information held under the Private Water Supplies (England) (amended) Regulations 2018
  • Air quality management areas
  • Smoke control areas

If we don't hold particular information, we may be able to advise you on the best agency to contact.

We also recommend that anyone undertaking a 'phase I' preliminary risk assessment with Shropshire Council also contact us to enquire about information we hold on the study site and surrounding area. If this report is subsequently submitted to us through, for example, the Planning Regime, the inclusion of this information in the early stages may prevent delay.

If a property was built in the last ten years it may be covered by an NHBC warranty. Alternatively, you may be able to insure against the risk of the cost of remediating the land if it's found to be required. Your solicitor will be able to advise you further on this matter.