Environmental health Food safety inspections

The Health Protection Team carry out regular risk-based checks on food premises in the county to ensure that the public is protected and that high standards are maintained. The frequency of interventions is determined by the Food Standards Agency’s Code of Practice Scheme (which takes account the nature of the business, number of people served, hygiene standards, condition of the structure and the confidence in management of the business).

Visits to premises are carried out, as far as possible, without prior notification, and are priority programmed according to the degree of potential risk and an assessment of intelligence. This ensures that higher risk premises are visited more frequently. The type of intervention is also determined by the level of risk. The highest risk will receive full inspections whereas those that are lower risk and deemed broadly compliant may alternate between a full inspection or a targeted intervention covering a specific area of the food business.

During an inspection, officers will want to reassure themselves that potential food safety risks have been identified by the business, and that there are adequate controls in place to prevent any problems. They'll also look at the training of managers and food handlers to ensure that it's suitable and will check that the condition of the premises and equipment is satisfactory. An assessment of the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme will also be undertaken in eligible businesses.

Where practices or conditions aren't satisfactory, it may be necessary to take formal action in accordance with our Better Regulation and Enforcement Policy. This could involve either the serving of a legal notice, prosecution, or in extreme cases closure of the business.

Our purpose is:

  • To ensure that food produced in Shropshire is safe to eat
  • To support businesses in Shropshire to prosper and grow