Alternative Enforcement Strategy
We are obliged to inspect each and every food business as part of our food inspection programme, however the law now allows local authorities to have an alternative enforcement strategy in place for low-risk businesses.
The alternative enforcement strategy usually involves completing a self-assessment questionnaire to review the food safety controls in place at your business, rather than being visited by an officer. If you are a low-risk business and are requested to complete a self-assessment questionnaire, it is in your interest to do so as failure to complete the questionnaire may result in you receiving a visit from an officer.
Businesses likely to be low-risk
- Chemists selling sweets, baby food, slimming products, etc.
- Public houses that only sell drinks and confectionary
- Newsagents that only sell low risk foods -sweets and wrapped food items
- Off-licences
- Food businesses operating from domestic premises
- Sports and social clubs that only sell drinks and confectionary
- Guest houses providing less than twenty meals a day
- Village/Church halls where only occasional catering takes place
- Residential care homes providing less than twenty meals a day
- Some larger retailers and caterers that have been previously inspected and found to have very good food safety standards in place
Frequently asked questions
We hope that the following may answer any questions you might have about this process. You can contact us at for any other queries.
Why does my business need inspecting?
Every business, charity individual or voluntary group serving or providing food for sale or gift has an obligation to ensure food is safe. There are legal standards for those businesses and their operators to meet and within Shropshire food law is dealt with by our Health Protection Team under standards issued by the Food Standards Agency.
We must conduct our service in line with the statutory codes of practice. One of the requirements within the code of practice is for our officers to assign a risk-based inspection frequency during every visit along with deciding if the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme applies and providing a public rating if it does. (The officer will be happy to explain these to you at the time of the visit).
Every new business requires an initial walk-in visit and then a decision will be made as to the necessity for your next formal inspection. In some cases, your business may fall outside inspection, and we will advise you whether this applies.
In some situations, we may consider your food business risk to be low in which case after the initial visit you will be contacted periodically to confirm your business activities have not changed. This approach is known as an Alternate Enforcement Scheme.
Who will come and inspect my business?
An employee from our Health Protection Team will visit. We employ both Environmental Health Officers and Food Safety Officers. If you should have any doubt about the person who arrives then please contact our office on 0345 678 9067. All our officers carry ID cards.
How long does an onsite visit take
An inspection may take from 1 to 2 hours or longer depending on the nature of the business. We aim to conduct our site visits thoroughly, so we do apologise for running over.
Will the officer arrange an appointment
Where an inspection requires a specific person to be present then the code of practice allows us to make agreed inspections. However, the emphasis of the code of practice we must follow is on unannounced inspections in all other cases.
What happens after I complete a questionnaire
The questionnaire will be reviewed by the Health Protection Team, and if necessary, an officer may contact you to clarify facts. In some situations, an officer will ask for an appointment to confirm details with you on site, however this is the exception rather than the rule. We cannot assign a new food hygiene rating through the Alternate Enforcement Scheme self-assessment questionnaire and so your inspection details will remain the same on the Food Standard Agency’s “Food Hygiene Ratings” website.