Environmental health Food safety training

All food businesses must ensure that all food handlers receive the appropriate level of supervision, instruction and training in order for them to handle food safely. It's suggested that staff who prepare open high-risk foods or handle food are suitably trained to level 2 in food hygiene (an accredited course awarded by the OFQUAL, CIEH or RSPH is advised) to ensure that you cover the full syllabus of food hygiene and safety. Face-to-face training is currently unavailable, but The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health offers online courses (other suitable online courses are available).

Food handlers who aren't sufficiently trained may not be aware of the risks associated with handling/preparing food, and a lack of training will have an impact on the score that food premises can receive under the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.

In addition, if you're the person responsible for developing and maintaining the business's food safety management procedures you must have received adequate training to enable you to do this.

Our Shire Services offers regular CIEH level 1, 2 and 3 food hygiene courses. The courses provide appropriate learning to the level of the course:

  • An introduction to food safety and law
  • Microbiological hazards
  • Contamination hazards and control
  • Food poisoning
  • Food safety management
  • Personal hygiene
  • Food premises and equipment
  • Food pests and control
  • Cleaning and disinfection

All successful candidates will receive a certificate. Group bookings are also available. These can be customised to your requirements and location.