Environmental health Statutory inspection
Certificates/periodic inspection reports
Over recent years the way in which premises are inspected has changed from inspectors looking for specific contraventions to the onus being on the duty holder to provide evidence that the working environment is in a safe condition and that safe systems of work are in place. This would include the supply of electricity and gas to the premises through to examination reports for lifting equipment (eg lifts, hoists and forklift trucks) and pressure systems (eg compressors, calorifiers and air receivers). This guide is designed to advise you to keep certificates and records in one place. This will also enable you to identify when certificates need updating or renewing.
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 imposes health and safety requirements with respect to electricity used at work. General duties are imposed to ensure that all electrical systems have been properly constructed and maintained, and are used in such a way as to not to give rise to danger.
All equipment should be installed and maintained by a competent person. It is recommended (IEE Wiring Regs BS7671*) that the fixed system is inspected/tested at least every five years (or more frequently as recommended by a qualified electrician).
On completion of a satisfactory inspection for an electrical installation, a certificate will be issued which will provide the duty holder with an accurate assessment of the condition of the electrical installation. Any remedial works identified must be carried out by a qualified electrician, and records kept.
The inspection and testing intervals for electrical equipment given in BS 7671 are recommendations and not legal requirements. The IEE Wiring Regulations have the status of British Standard, and offer guidance on the requirements for the construction and testing of electrical installations.
The Gas Safety (installation and use) Regulations 1998
All premises
Any place of work that has a gas installation and/or gas appliances installed must be maintained in such a way as to prevent risk of injury to any person. The definition of what is an appropriate maintenance programme will be determined by the installation's age, condition and usage. If an inspector is of the opinion that the installation is not being properly maintained and may give rise to danger, enforcement action may be taken.
Hotels/residential care accommodation
In any room where there is a gas appliance (boiler/heater etc), and the room is or can be used for sleeping or dining/lounging, then that appliance must be checked for safety at intervals not exceeding twelve months by a CORGI registered engineer. An appliance record book must be kept detailing date of the inspection, any defect identified and any remedial action taken
A CORGI certificate will be issued confirming either that everything is satisfactory or what remedial actions are necessary, if any.
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
All equipment for lifting goods and or people in the workplace must be periodically inspected and thoroughly examined by a competent person. The competent person is usually your insurance company's engineer. The intervals of inspection and examination will vary dependent on the equipment, and whether people are being lifted. For example, a passenger lift would need to be inspected and thoroughly examined every six months by a competent person, whereas a scissor lift used for goods only would need to be inspected and thoroughly examined annually.
The competent person should draw up an examination scheme describing the equipment and the procedure for examination and maintain records of the inspections, examinations and remedial works required. Records must be kept on site. It is vital to ensure that the person carrying out the inspection is competent in terms of their knowledge of the equipment being examined.
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR 2000)
Any pressure system such as compressors, calorifiers and air receivers require periodic inspection and examination by a competent person, eg an insurance company engineer. The frequency of inspection and examination depends upon what is described by the competent person within the written scheme of examination.