Environmental health Report an accident
To report an injury, dangerous occurrence or disease, you can do so directly through the HSE website.
The law requires certain work-related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive.
What needs to be reported
- Death or major injuries to an employee or self-employed person working on your premises
- Death or hospitalisation of a member of the public
- Disease suffered by an employee that is related to work activities
- Dangerous occurrence that does not result in a reportable injury but which clearly could have done
- An injury lasting for seven days (not counting the day on which it happened) to an employee or self-employed person working on your premises. The report must be made within 15 days of the accident
The most common causes of accidents within Shropshire are due to manual handling operations (the moving of items either by lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing or pulling) or are as a result of a slip, trip or fall.
For further information and resources on how to manage the risks associated with these take a look at this guidance on manual handling and slips, trips and falls.
Will my accident be investigated?
Depending on a number of factors, accident notifications may or may not be investigated by us. We will take the following into account:
- Whether Shropshire Council is the enforcing authority as defined by law
- HSE’s incident selection criteria
- Local priorities based on our intelligence modelling.
- Our Better Regulation and Enforcement Policy
For further information contact Regulatory Services on 0345 678 9000 or email public.protection@shropshire.gov.uk.