Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) Shropshire HAF celebration and feedback

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Shropshire HAF programmes so far

To hear from children, parents, providers and supporters who have been involved in Shropshire HAF programmes, take a look at the following short films:

For a full evaluation of some of the Shropshire HAF programmes delivered so far, please take a look at the following:

We'd like to thank everybody who has supported and been involved in the HAF programme in Shropshire. The commitment and enthusiasm shown by everyone involved has been fantastic.    

Feedback from families who attended a HAF club:

"My daughter Millie had the best time with you guys. Non-stop fun, and feedback on the meals was great. Thank you so much for organising this. It was really appreciated."

"My five-year-old son absolutely loved the four days he spent at holiday club. He made friends with some of the other children, liked all the adults and has asked me several times when he can go again!"

"My girls thought the club was fantastic, enjoyed the days they came and have asked to go again! Nothing's too much trouble for the wonderful staff - it was very well organised, and the girls came home exhausted!" "She came out with a smile on her face each day and said she's had a great time."

"As a parent, the Embrace Holiday club provided my daughter with a safe, secure environment to play and spend time with children her age and above."

"As a single working parent, the funding that was provided to my daughter was paramount. Without it, she wouldn't have been able to attend. I'm very grateful to Embrace for this. I look forward to booking her in for future holidays."

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