Jade Matravers
I qualified as a mental health nurse in 2008, and I am a 'Queens Nurse'. I started working as a MAPA® trainer with Joint Training in 2010. My role has since developed, and I'm now lead for health and wellbeing. I'm an approved instructor for Sage & Thyme ®, MAPA ®, Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network and Mental Health First Aid England. I also develop and deliver other courses in collaboration with other teams and organisations, such as End of Life Awards (City and Guilds) with Severn Hospice, managing medicines in care with the CCG, bereavement awareness and depression and older people. I am a dementia friends champion for the Alzheimer’s Society and can provide dementia friends information sessions.
I am committed to maintaining high standards of training and education, and am passionate about supporting people to achieve the best outcomes for the people in their care. I regularly continue my professional development with qualifications, and attending courses and conferences. Topics include preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector, developing trainer skills, stroke, acquired brain injury, dementia, end of life, medicines management, dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties and prescribing lifestyle medicines.
Outside of work I like to spend time outside in nature and by the seaside when I can. I like reading and arts and crafts. I love spending time with my family and my dog Fred.