Mary Johnson

I started working with the Joint Training Team in 2004. My specialism within the team is the delivery of the Mental Capacity Act, deprivation of liberty safeguards and autism training.

My working background is in the learning disability sector in various roles, latterly as registered manager of day and residential services for adults with learning disabilities and autism.

I enjoy my job, developing, delivering and supporting learning for all sectors of social care and health provision, individuals who receive services, carers and parents. I believe in empowering people by sharing knowledge in a supportive way that creates reflective practice building on and changing the future of individuals.

I've been involved with many training opportunities and development projects in services on a local basis and nationally. These directly involve the people who use our services, supporting their voices to be heard in meaningful ways. My true passion is that we see everyone as individual with their own strengths and unique abilities. 

I hold the following qualifications:

  • Diploma in health and social welfare (Open University)
  • Registered Managers Award (Adults)
  • Level 4 - managing the risk of challenging behaviour
  • Level 4 - QCF
  • Certificate of teaching in lifelong learning sector

Outside of work I love living in Shropshire and spending time with family and friends. Walking in the countryside gives me relaxation time. I have rescue greyhounds which are important to my family and definitely spur us to get out and about!

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