What is a cultural strategy?

The cultural strategy was created in partnership with a range of organisations to set a vision and shared cultural ambition for Shropshire and to pull together the high level priorities for the development of the cultural sector over the next ten years.

Why is it important?

The cultural sector is important for individual and community health and wellbeing, the local economy and the environment. Having a joined-up approach to the development of the cultural sector will help increase awareness of what’s available, drive creativity and innovation by sharing good practice and new ideas, increase opportunities for people and businesses to get more involved, and build the reputation of Shropshire as a cultural destination.

The strategy also sets out aspirations that give confidence to potential funders in the fact that culture is important to Shropshire and funding new initiatives is a good investment.

How has it been created?

The strategy was created through a programme of community engagement and public consultation, working with a wide range of individuals, businesses and organisations to agree the strategic approach and priorities.

Who has been involved?

A working group was set up to develop the strategy. This included representatives from Arts Council England, Caring for God’s Acre, Cultural Consortium Shropshire, Energize Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, Shropshire Health and Wellbeing Board, Historic England, Marches Local Enterprise Partnership, Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust Steering Group, National Trust, Shropshire Council, Shropshire’s Great Outdoors Strategy Board, Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership, Shropshire Wildlife Trust and the University of Chester.

Consultants FEI were commissioned to help with the community engagement, and the Information, Intelligence and Insights Team at Shropshire Council pulled together the evidence base.

What will the strategy aim to achieve?

Vibrant Shropshire’s vision is that, by 2031, Shropshire’s vibrant culture will be inspiring more people, both local communities and visitors alike, to explore, create, be active and enjoy themselves. It will enhance lives and nurture the environment for all our futures.

Our shared ambition is that in ten years we'll create a place where extraordinary and everyday cultural experiences are a source of inspiration for all. We want the importance of culture to quality of life, health and wellbeing, and the economy reflected in happier and healthier communities, and for cultural venues and activities to lead the way for climate and environmental change mitigation.

How will the strategy be delivered?

An independent cultural partnership will be formed to develop a three-year, rolling implementation plan, which will detail planned activity to achieve the priorities in the strategy. This will indicate who is responsible for each action, timescales and funding sources.

How will delivery of the strategy be paid for?

For the strategy to be delivered, we’ll need to work collaboratively with the private sector, charitable donations and grant-giving bodies on innovative funding and investment models.

Some core funding will be available for delivery of actions by specific organisations. Other funding sources may include Arts Council England cultural development and investment funds, the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the DCMS Tourism Action Zone and the potential development of a tourism or cultural improvement district, alongside opportunities for business sponsorship, environmental, social, governance (ESG) investment, planning gain, carbon off-setting and a range of other funding.

The effective fundraising activity of volunteers, ‘friends’ groups and place-based working has played and can continue to play an important part in this.

This will require a true partnership approach to share and grow staff resources, reducing competition for funding and minimising duplication of effort.

Can I get involved?

To get involved, please email CLT@Shropshire.gov.uk in the first instance, explaining how you'd like to help and we'll get back to you.