Vision and ambition

Vibrant Shropshire Front Page Image

Our vision

By 2031, Shropshire’s vibrant culture will be inspiring more people, both local communities and visitors alike, to explore, create, be active and enjoy themselves. It will enhance lives and nurture the environment for all our futures.

Our shared cultural ambition

In ten years, our ambition is to create a place where extraordinary and everyday cultural experiences are a source of inspiration for all. We want the importance of culture to quality of life, health and wellbeing, and the economy reflected in happier and healthier communities, and for cultural venues and activities to lead the way for climate and environmental change mitigation.

Overarching themes

We developed a number of overarching themes to help ensure the key priorities address Shropshire’s core challenges:

Climate and environmental change mitigation – Everyone needs to do their bit to address the climate and environment emergency to ensure a happier and healthier future for all. Culture can help us engage with these challenges creatively together

Developing volunteers – Supporting volunteers by promoting good practice, providing opportunities for training and development and recognising their achievements

Young people’s skills and learning – Engaging young people in all of our priority areas and providing clear pathways into all of the cultural sector

Marketing and communication – Ensuring that there’s a joined-up marketing and communication strategy to promote greater joint working and reach new audiences

Pentabus Play