Information for new and existing subscribers

What can I put in my garden bin if I subscribe? 

You can put the following garden waste in your garden bin: 

  • Grass cuttings, lawn edgings and weeds 
  • Bark 
  • Twigs and small branches 
  • Plants 
  • Leaves 
  • Hedge clippings 
  • Cut flowers 
  • Windfalls from fruit trees 
  • Hay, straw and wood shavings 

You must not put non-garden waste in your garden bin, for example: 

  • No food waste
  • Liquid cooking fat, oil, wax or waxed packaging (milk or juice cartons), foil 
  • Coffee filters 
  • Soil, stone, rubble or large amounts of turf 
  • Any type of animal waste 
  • Paper, plastic, glass, metals, leather, plant pots/containers, porcelain, plaster, disposable nappies, ash, vacuum cleaner contents, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, batteries, dyestuffs, textiles, feathers household or garden chemicals

This isn't an exhaustive list. You can see where to dispose of waste on our 'Your collection service' page. 

Why are you stopping collection of food waste in my garden waste bin? 

As we can't charge for food waste collections these will need to be suspended whilst we develop and introduce a new weekly service from April 2026.  All councils in England must introduce weekly food waste collections to all properties from this date. 

Our waste collection contractor Veolia presently collects garden waste from 138,400 properties of the 149,000 in Shropshire, and of these 97,000 also have food waste collections - that's 65% of properties in Shropshire. 

If we find any non-garden waste items in a garden bin we won't empty the bin. It will be deemed contaminated. You must remove all non-garden waste materials before the next scheduled collection. 

What would I do with my food waste? 

We encourage you to reduce, reuse and recycle your food waste as much as you possibly can so that less waste needs to be disposed of, and this includes trying home composting. 

If home composting isn’t possible, you can put food waste into your black bin. 

Will my collection day change? 

We can only guarantee that your collection day won't change if you subscribe before 1 October 2024. After this date, due to the changes in the number of households using the service, routes may need to be changed to ensure the maximum efficiency of the service.

Please put your bin out by 7am on your scheduled day.  

What happens if my collection is missed? 

Before you report a missed collection you must check that:

  • Your bin/sacks were out on the right day
  • Your bin/sacks were out by 7am
  • Your bin/sacks were out in the correct place
  • Your lid was closed and no extra waste was next to your bin
  • Only garden waste was is in the bin/sacks
  • The bins had the correct sticker attached
  • The sack was the relevant colour for that year

We'll investigate the incident, and if your collection has genuinely been missed we'll come back and collect it within two working days. 

If you don't present the bin or sack in accordance with the above requirements it won't be emptied until your next scheduled collection date.

If you bin or sack is contaminated it won't be emptied, and it's your responsibility to remove the contaminated material to ensure that the bin can be emptied on your next scheduled collection date.

We may be unable to collect your waste on the scheduled collection during extreme weather conditions.

What happens if my bin can’t be emptied due to bad weather? 

If we’re unable to empty your bin due to severe bad weather, take your garden waste bin back in and put it out on your next scheduled garden waste collection day.

Take a look at our 'What to do if your waste isn't collected page' for more information.

What if I need help moving my bin? 

If you have difficulty moving your bins you can request help from us. If you already have an assisted bin collection and you subscribe to the garden waste service we'll continue to help in emptying your bins.

Please ensure that your bin can easily be moved by one hand. This is to ensure that collection crews don't have any issues emptying your bin. Overloaded bins can cause health and safety issues to the collection crew and won't be emptied.

How do I renew my subscription? 

You'll need to pay each year to renew your subscription. You'll be able to do this on our website. We'll send you a reminder before the service starts each year.  

Is there a charge for a new or replacement garden bin? 

There's a charge for the delivery of new or replacement garden bins. You'll need to pay for a subscription for each individual garden bin you'd like us to empty. If you've subscribed and your bin is damaged during the collection process – and we can verify this – we'll replace your bin free of charge. You'll need to contact us to order a replacement subscription sticker. 

If your bin is lost or you think it's been stolen, please check with your neighbours in case they've taken your bin by mistake. We'll replace a lost or stolen bin free of charge. You'll also need to request a new subscription.

Can I have more than one garden waste bin?

You can request a maximum of three bins for your property. You'll need to pay for a separate subscription for each bin, so for two bins your annual subscription will total £112, and for three bins it will be £168.

If you’ve already set up one or more subscriptions, and later want to add another one for an additional bin, you can go back into the subscription portal and do this. 

Your annual subscriptions will run from 1 October to 30 September, regardless of when you subscribe within the payment window.

If you're at a new-build property and need to order a refuse (black) bin and a recycling bin you can do this via a separate form. 

What happens to my subscription if I move house? 

If you move within the Shropshire Council area and the property is eligible for the garden waste recycling scheme, you can transfer your subscription to your new address. Don't take your garden bin with you to your new property. 

You'll need to ask for a new subscription sticker for your new address in the Shropshire Council area. Refunds can't be provided if you move out of the council area, or if the service isn't offered at your new property. A refund isn't available if you move to a new property and require fewer bins than you've subscribed for at your previous address. 

If there isn't a garden bin at your new address, you'll need to pay for the delivery of a new one. 

Where do I put my sticker? 

Place the sticker on the back of your bin (handle side) as soon as you get it. We'll post a collection sticker to subscribers for each year that they subscribe.